Internal Bleaching (Non-Vital Bleaching)

When teeth have darkened because of a trauma, we can whiten them to match the rest of your teeth!

Whitening or bleaching of teeth is a general term that refers to cosmetically improving the appearance of your smile by removing discoloration and staining. Whitening can refer to an external or internal procedure. Internal bleaching is more complicated and is recommended to be performed by your endodontist only after successful root canal therapy.

Discoloration or staining of teeth can occur for a multitude of reasons including:

  • previous dental trauma

  • age

  • habits such as smoking, coffee drinking, etc.

  • medications

  • medical condition

  • decay and internal damage

In some instances, the source of the staining is from the exterior surface of the teeth and in these cases external whitening may be an option. Other times, the staining starts on the interior of the tooth and spreads outward. For these cases internal bleaching, bonding, or crowns is often the best solution.

Internal bleaching, or non-vital bleaching, is reserved for cases in which select teeth are darkened or discolored and the stains will not respond to external whitening treatments. It can only be done on root canal treated teeth. We use our surgical microscope to ensure precision and a rubber dam for your safety while the coronal portion of your tooth is accessed and a safe bleaching agent is placed within the tooth. The solution is left for several days to allow the material to react with the stains and dissolve their particles, thereby lightening the tooth. The patient then returns to the endodontist office to have the agent removed and the tooth sealed to prevent further damage. This process may be performed several times in order to achieve the desired brightness and color.

As with any whitening process the results are not always permanent as it is possible to discolor the teeth again by eating or drinking foods that cause staining such as coffee, tea, or red wine. Avoiding food and lifestyle choices that can cause staining as much as possible and practicing good oral hygiene will help prolong your whitening results and your beautiful smile.

Not everyone is a candidate for internal bleaching and your dentist will evaluate your specific case on an individual basis. Schedule an appointment with us today to discuss your options!

For more information please refer to the AAE and ADA websites.