Cone Beam Computed Tomography (3D Scan)

Also known as CBCT for short. At FiDi Endodontics we believe in utilizing the latest technology to ensure we can achieve the best results for our patients. Compared to the two dimensional images of traditional Xrays, the CBCT provides the doctor with a 3D image of your tooth and the surrounding bones and soft tissues.

Our CBCT, the Carestream CS8100-3D, takes hundreds of high resolution ‘slices’, or images, of your mouth then utilizes advanced software to assemble these into a three dimensional model. This technology allows us to ‘move around’ in a sense, and see your tooth and structures from every angle. For example, we can see small accessory nerve canals that branch off from the main root canal, which is often difficult or impossible to see on traditional Xrays. The CBCT is not a substitution for traditional 2D Xrays and vice versa, as each type of image provides us with different information.

Not everyone who comes to see us will need a CBCT. Your dentists will only use this type of imaging when it is a medically necessary diagnostic tool.

Having a Cone Beam CT done is fast, easy, and comfortable. No special preparation is required and it takes less than a minute. The machine rotates 360 degrees around you to capture all the angles; all you have to do is freeze! We may ask you to remove any metal jewelry or glasses prior to taking the CBCT as this can interfere with the imaging.

Some dental insurance companies are starting to cover CBCT scans, our staff can assist you in finding out about your coverage . When you have the Cone Beam CT (CBCT) done in our office we can give you a copy for you to share with your general dentist.
We believe in investing in this advanced imaging technology so that we can deliver the best care for our patients!

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